The Colomb Art Gallery, London. Proudly leading independent London art galleries
The Colomb Art Gallery, London
020 7607 6537
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Country Pursuits

In a contemporary take on a traditional lifestyle, ‘Country Pursuits’ combines the work of British painter Stephen Hawkins with British sculptor Michael Simpson to celebrate the unique heritage and culture of the great British countryside. Bringing together an exciting collection of painting and sculpture, the exhibition pays tribute to the sporting, pastimes and time-honoured traditions of a longstanding way of life in the country.

Exhibition ran Friday 24th of May 2019,
until Monday 24th of June 2019.

Exhibited Artworks

The Colomb Art Gallery, London, is leading independent art galleries in Central London
The Colomb Art Gallery, London
© The Colomb Art Gallery, London | 2024. All art work copyrighted to the original artist